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Don’t Rubber the Wrong Way: We’ve Hatched a Plan to Prevent Rubbery Chicken

We can’t all be master chefs, which is why your main course just came out of the oven with the texture of an actual rubber chicken. But that doesn’t mean you have to chicken out on cooking poultry — there are simple ways to fix your chicken’s rubbery texture.

Why is my chicken breast rubbery?

Overcooking chicken and buying woody chicken breast are two of the main causes behind rubbery chicken.

You can stop this from happening by:

  • buying “slow-growing” chicken
  • cooking your chicken in moisture
  • marinating the chicken in brine for 20–30 minutes before cooking

Rubbery chicken is still safe to eat in most cases — it’s just a little bit like chewing a dog toy… which generally sucks, unless you’re a dog.

We tucked into the truth behind why your chicken gets rubbery. Find out how to keep your tenders tender.

rubbery chicken in a roasting tray header
Juan Moyano/Getty Images

Why the cluck is my chicken rubbery?

There’s more than one reason your chicken came out rubbery.

Overcooking might play a role in your chicken’s tire-like texture. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too long can suck the moisture right out and leave you with a dry, rubbery bird. Without moisture, the protein fibers in the chicken become elastic.

The types of chicken you buy at the store can also make a difference. “Woody breast” and “white striping” are two conditions farmed poultry can experience that affect the texture of the meat. (Oh, how selfish — birds going and getting diseases that make them harder to eat. Poor widdle humans.)

According to a 2016 review, woody breasts occur when the chicken has a tougher consistency due to bulging muscles. These are harder to chew than non-woody chicken in the same way The Rock is tricky to eat without at least mayo.

White striping is a condition that creates white fatty stripes that run parallel to the chicken muscle fibers on the breast, thigh, and tender muscles.

Both can affect the overall quality of your chicken.

Is rubbery chicken undercooked?

Just like overcooked chicken, its undercooked counterpart can turn out rubbery. Undercooked chicken usually has a shiny appearance and a jiggly consistency.

Eating undercooked chicken is more than just a texture issue — it can make you very sick. According to the CDC, bacteria that can lead to food poisoning may contaminate chicken if you undercook it.

If you’ve recently chowed down on undercooked chicken and you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to contact a healthcare pro:

  • a high fever
  • diarrhea for more than 3 days with no improvement
  • bloody stools
  • prolonged vomiting
  • dehydration

What’s a safe temperature for cooked chicken?

To make sure your chicken is fully cooked (without being overcooked), bring it to an internal temperature of 165ºF.

Is rubbery chicken safe to eat?

As long as the rubbery texture comes from overcooking and not undercooking, the chicken is still edible (although not the best eating experience).

To compensate for the dry, rubbery texture, make a sauce that you can serve on your chicken to add moisture and flavor. Go with a creamy Alfredo sauce, BBQ sauce, or soy-based sauce, and — *chef’s kiss* — you won’t even notice the rubbery consistency.

What makes chicken rubbery?

We know that certain conditions can cause probs with the consistency of chicken, but why? Why do these conditions mess with the meat? And why did the chicken cross the road? Chickens bring up all kinds of questions.

According to a 2020 study, woody chicken breast has higher amounts of connective tissue than normal breast meat, which can make the meat tough. The increased growth rate of chickens may be the cause of both this and white striping.

A 2019 study on broiler chickens found that the severity of woody breast increased as the chickens aged and grew, with a significant correlation between woody breast and body weight. The study also suggests that damage to blood vessels is likely an important piece of the puzzle in the development of woody breast.

How to prevent rubbery chicken

The good news is that you’re not stuck with rubbery chicken for life. Next time you go shopping and cook up your bird, keep these suggestions in mind.

Best cooking methods to prevent rubbery chicken

When cooking up a chicken, your best bet is to cook with moisture rather than dry heat. That means using methods like:

These strategies involve cooking with either liquid or steam, which can soften tough fibers in the chicken.

If you want to fire up the grill or oven, you can still cook up a tender piece of meat. Just make a brine or marinade and let your chicken sit in there for 20 to 30 minutes before cooking.

Mistakes to avoid

When it comes to cooking your chicken, avoiding these mistakes can help you turn out a tender, juicy bird that even Gordon Ramsay would (begrudgingly) approve of:

  • Cooking in a cold pan or oven. Don’t lay your chicken down in a pan that hasn’t warmed up on the stove. It’s important that chicken is cooked at a high temperature for a short time so it doesn’t dry out. Same goes for the oven — be patient while it preheats!
  • Skipping the marinade or brine. Chicken is naturally a lean meat with very little fat, so letting it soak in a marinade or brine not only adds flavor but also keeps it moist.
  • Using skinless chicken breast. Keeping the skin on chicken can prevent the loss of moisture. If you prefer it skinless, just remove the skin after cooking.
  • Not pounding it out. Grab your meat mallet and go to town (calm down, we’re still talking chickens here 😉). Not only does this tenderize the meat by breaking down the protein, but having an even layer of chicken breast can also help reduce cooking time and temperature discrepancies.

What to cock-a-doodle-do at the store

If you feel your chicken breast comes out rubbery regardless of how you cook it, you may need to buy slow-growing chicken. This type of chicken is often labeled “slower-growing” or “heritage.”

The downside is that slow-growing chickens tend to cost more than your typical chicken breast — 30 to 50 percent more, in fact. That’s because these chickens require more food, water, and land to grow.

But it may be worth the extra cash if your budget extends that far. A survey of consumers found that 67 percent preferred meat products made from slow-growing chickens.

Don’t wing it — try these chicken recipes

Now that you have the tips and tricks to avoid a chewy chicken, try out these tasty recipes:

Takeaway: And that’s the chicken s-coop


Rubbery chicken can result from a cooking error or the overall quality of the chicken you buy.

Fortunately, strategies such as moist cooking and buying slow-grown chickens can prevent you from having a chewy meal.

And always make sure your chicken isn’t undercooked! Undercooked rubbery chicken is a health risk and an unpleasant eating experience.

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