Can yoga actually be good for your hair? Or Is this idea a bit of a… stretch? It turns out, hair yoga seems like it could be for real! And in a world where face yoga is also a thing, it doesn’t seem all that surprising.
So hair’s the deal on the link between yoga and the best moves to promote a head full of thick, healthy hair.
Best 9 yoga poses for your hair
Researchers think that yoga’s ability to decrease stress and increase blood flow to the scalp just might be a recipe for thick, healthy hair growth.
Here are some yoga poses that can help relax, restore, and promote blood flow to your head.

How yoga can affect your hair
Stress can mess with your health and overall quality of life. According to a 2017 research review and another study from 2017, emotional or physiologic stress can also cause hair loss. How can yoga help? 2016 research suggests that practicing yoga may reduce stress and anxiety.
Inverted yoga poses can also promote blood flow to the scalp. That’s a primary part of how hair loss treatments (like minoxidil) work. There’s a big difference here, though. Minoxidil stimulates the scalp round-the-clock but yoga will only get the blood pumping while you’re doing it.
In a 2019 review, scientists said that asana poses (like the ones in this list) may particularly benefit those with hair loss when they’re performed alongside treatments like herbal hair oil.
The research on a definitive link between hair health and yoga isn’t there yet. But so far the science looks promising! And even if you don’t notice Rapunzel-like results, with so many other health benefits of yoga, the following poses are totally worth a shot.
1. Standing Forward Bend

When you fold forward in this pose, gravity encourages blood to flow toward your scalp. Ideally, it’ll rev up your flexibility and your follicle growth.
How to do it:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
- Lift your sitting bones up and back, and hinge forward at your waist. Bring your arms to your legs.
- Reach your fingers down to your knees, toes, or the floor (as far as you can reach). Keep a slight bend in your knees.
- Relax your head and let it hang down like a bowling ball.
- Hold the position for several deep breaths and then return to start.
2. Downward-Facing Dog

Okay dawg, it’s time to get down. This pose can stretch out your spine and the backs of your legs.
How to do it:
- Start on all fours in plank position.
- Keep your legs hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Press up through your palms until your bod forms an inverted “V.”
- Spread your fingers wide and elongate your spine. Let your head and neck relax.
- If you can, press your heels into the mat.
- Maintain the pose for several breaths and return to start.
3. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
Hopefully you’re not tired of being turned upside-down, because this simple inverted pose can have a major impact on blood flow and flexibility.
How to do it:
- Spread your legs out about as far as feels comfortable, toes facing forward.
- Hinge forward from your hips. Place your hands flat on the mat. Depending on your flexibility level, you can rest your head gently on the ground or use a yoga block or folded blanket for support.
- Hold the pose for several breaths.
- Inhale as you return to start. Bring your torso slowly up, straighten your spine, and place your hands on your hips.
4. Rabbit Pose
Make like a bunny and maybe your hair will multiply like rabbits! This gentle pose can benefit you by boosting blood flow to your scalp *without* requiring you to contort upside down.
How to do it:
- Kneel down, toes pointed behind you, tops of feet on the floor.
- Hinge at your waist, bending your head forward.
- Place your head on the mat and look back at your thighs. (If needed, you can use a yoga block or folded blanket.)
- You can place your hands on both sides of your bod for support or lace your fingers behind your back and bring your arms in the air. You should feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders.
- Rock your bod slowly forward and back: It should almost feel like a scalp massage.
- Repeat for several breaths and return to start.
5. Child’s Pose

No need to be a baby about connecting with your inner child. Child’s Pose lets you relax, restore, and recover from other, more challenging, poses.
How to do it:
- Kneel on the mat, legs hip-width apart.
- Exhale as you bend forward. Fold your bod at the waist. Lay your torso over your thighs.
- Stretch your arms forward, hands palm-down on the floor. Reach your hands forward and your pelvis back to really feel that stretch.
- Take several deep breaths and feel free to stay a while! This restorative pose can be done anywhere from 30 secs to as long as you please.
6. Fish Pose

Despite its name, there’s nothing fishy about this asana. Time to dive in and see if it helps to stimulate your scalp and strengthen your locks.
How to do it:
- Lie on your back, with your arms alongside your bod or tucked gently under your hips, palms facing down.
- Raise your chest by squeezing your core. Imagine lifting from your heart. Keep your noggin glued to the ground.
- With your back and neck arched, hold this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds before rolling down slowly and carefully.
7. Thunderbolt Pose
Calling all Thor wannabes — the Thunderbolt is a simple pose that may help alleviate stomach and digestive probs. (Some research suggests these issues may impact hair loss).
What’s the connection? The theory is that when your digestion is healthy, your bod can better absorb the nutrients your hair needs.
How to do it:
- Kneel on the mat with your back, neck, and head straight, heels touching.
- Relax your hands, palms-down on your thighs. Gaze straight ahead.
- Exhale and inhale deeply for at least 30 seconds.
8. Shoulder Stand
The shoulder stand is a def full-bod exercise, from the tips of your toes to *possibly even* the tips of your hair. Just be sure you ask your doc if you have back probs or high blood pressure before attempting this one.
How to do it:
- Lie flat on your back on the mat. Raise your legs slowly up to 90 degrees.
- Lift your hips and butt off the ground, bringing your legs toward your head.
- Raise your legs, abs, and chest to form a straight line. Place your palms on your back for support.
- Press your chin to your chest and hold for 30 secs or more.
- Slowly bring yourself back to start using your hands for support.
FYI: Don’t rest your weight on your neck. This could strain or injure your neck.
9. Headstand
This is a challenging yoga pose but def rewarding. If you’re an experienced yogi, give it a try — just check with your doc first if you have spinal issues or high blood pressure.
How to do it:
- Get on all fours, knees under hips, hands under shoulders. Bring your forearms down to the mat.
- Clasp your hands together on the floor, interlocking your fingers.
- Press the crown of your head into the mat.
- Lift your hips and straighten your legs, almost Downward-Facing Dog style.
- Gently walk your feet toward your head until your hips are nearly over your shoulders.
- Here’s the tricky part: Lift your right foot off the mat and up to the ceiling. (While people have different go-to methods, beginners should go the gentler route by lifting knee to chest first.)
- Take a few deep breaths. This is a balancing act! Inhale, engage your core, and slowly lift your left foot and bring it next to your right one.
- Hold for a few breaths and gently lower back down.
Pro tip: Use a wall (or a friend!) for support if you need. If you feel like you might topple, take it slow until you build strength and confidence.
Yoga *might* benefit hair growth and health by promoting blood flow to the scalp and helping relieve stress. However, the research doesn’t say whether this works for sure.
According to some research, asana poses just might be the best for your locks.
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