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Put a Pin in Your Eczema Treatment: Acupuncture Might Just Help

If getting pricked with ultra-fine needles sounds like your idea of relief, you’re surprisingly not alone.

In fact, acupuncture might help with management of certain pain conditions. These days, lots of people get acupuncture to treat pain, illnesses, and even skin conditions like eczema.

But can acupuncture help eczema?

Research suggests acupuncture might help reduce flare-ups and treat eczema symptoms like itching and lesions. The National Eczema Foundation even notes that the evidence-based studies on eczema and acupressure are “encouraging.”

But while this info looks promising, it’s still limited. Acupuncture also doesn’t work for everyone and can take time to do its thing.

Let’s connect the dots on acupuncture for eczema.

acupuncture for eczema
Irina Tischer/EyeEm/Getty Images

Acupuncture and eczema: How does it really work?  

Eczema (all 10+ types of it) makes you downright uncomfy by causing itchy, flaky, dry, red patches of skin. Certain types of eczema can also make your skin blister and form lesions.

But how can turning yourself into a human pincushion help your itchy skin?

Acupuncture isn’t a miracle cure for eczema, but research on atopic dermatitis (the most common type of eczema) suggests that getting pinned helps with symptoms. Here’s how:

  • Ditching the eczema itch. A small 2019 study found that acupuncture improved symptoms of mild to moderate eczema, especially when it came to controlling itchiness.
  • Reducing stress, lesions, and flare-ups. In a 2018 review, researchers reported reduced itchiness, lesion size, and flare-up incidence in acupuncture participants compared with a control group. Researchers also said acupuncture’s stress-reducing properties benefited people with eczema.
  • Treating severe eczema. A large 2020 study suggested acupuncture could reduce eczema severity and outbreak size, along with that pesky itchiness.

The point?

Overall, studies seem to agree that acupuncture *might* help treat the itchiness that comes with eczema. It may also help reduce stress, lesion size, and flare-ups.

The research def isn’t perfect, but the outlook seems pretty good.

How to use acupuncture pressure points for treating eczema

During an acupuncture sesh, you’ll lie on a bed or table, much like you would at a massage therapy session. A licensed acupuncturist will use sterile, superfine needles to stimulate pressure points on your body. The needles usually go 1 to 2 inches deep.

To treat eczema, acupuncturists may target the arms, legs, or torso. They may stimulate the LI11 acupuncture pressure point, which is on the forearm, near the elbow. This is a large intestine meridian point that’s believed to be linked to conditions like throat soreness, finger numbness, and skin itchiness.

Scientists now know that folks with eczema have a bacteria imbalance in their gut and skin. This might explain why acupuncturists aim for the intestine-linked pressure point.  

Once the acupuncturist has placed the needles, you’ll usually chill for 20+ minutes. Practitioners believe this is when your central nervous system is stimulated, your circulation increases, and your natural energy flow (your chi) is regulated.  

When your session is over, the acupuncturist will gently remove and safely discard the single-use needles.

Acupuncture for eczema and allergies: What’s the link?

A type of eczema called allergic contact dermatitis is specifically caused by certain allergens. Allergies can also trigger atopic dermatitis flare-ups.

Although we don’t yet fully understand why, many people with allergies also develop eczema. Some experts theorize that a genetic difference in the skin lets allergens enter and cause eczema. For that reason, some derms think skin care (including eczema control) is a first-line defense for allergies.

So, if acupuncture can help reduce eczema symptoms, can it help manage your allergies too? Maaaaybe, but as with acupuncture for eczema, studies on acupuncture for allergies are limited.

In a 2013 study, participants who received acupuncture had greater relief from hay fever and seasonal allergies than those who got “fake” acupuncture or only took antihistamines.  

And research from 2018 found that acupuncture helped improve participants’ seasonal allergy symptoms and significantly reduce their antihistamine use.

Any risks to using acupuncture for eczema?

Acupuncture is considered safe as long as you pick a legit, licensed practitioner. You wouldn’t pick your tat artist off the street (plz don’t!), so don’t just choose anyone for acupuncture.

It’s a good idea to check the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine to find board certified providers before you commit to a sesh. Going to an unlicensed practitioner could up your risk of infections (hello, dirty needles), injury, and even punctured organs.

Since single-use needles are the standard these days, infection risk is pretty low with A+ acupuncturists. But you might be at a higher risk of probs if:

  • You have a bleeding disorder or take blood thinners. You might bleed or bruise more easily during needle-based acupuncture.
  • You use a pacemaker. Electrical pulse acupuncture might interfere with the pacemaker’s operation.
  • You’re pregnant. Some acupuncture points are believed to induce labor. But don’t worry too much — acupuncture during pregnancy is considered safe when performed by a qualified, licensed provider.

If you have any of these health conditions, check with your doc before heading to the acupuncturist.

Can internal injury still happen?

Organ punctures, such as a collapsed lung, are super rare but have happened after deep acupuncture treatments. Hightail to the ER if you:

  • have stabbing chest pain
  • feel sudden chest pressure
  • feel severe pain wrap from your shoulder to your back
  • have trouble breathing
  • cough up blood

Natural healing: What other alternative eczema treatments might help?

Acupuncture’s not the only natural eczema remedy on the block. Try giving these a whirl:

Bottom line

Acupuncture is often used as an alternative pain relief method, and initial research suggests it could also be an effective addition to your eczema treatments.

Since it’s low risk, it prob can’t hurt to try — especially since there’s no known cure for eczema. Still, you’ll have to commit to recurring sessions to see results, and it’s possible acupuncture won’t do anything for your eczema.

If you’re pregnant, use a pacemaker, or have a bleeding disorder, talk with your doc before trying acupuncture. And always go to a licensed, qualified acupuncturist.

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